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The Fight to the Death

-Gladiator battles became probably the most primary source of entertainment for the Romans
-Gladiator games were held to honor someone that has passed away.These battles consisted of a gladiator fighting, to the death, with a savage animal (bears, leopards, and lions), or sometimes another gladiator.
-Gladiators were usually soldiers the Romans had captured from another army, but some gladiators were fugitive slaves sold for this type of public execution.
-Gladiators were trained to fight extensively, but they were also trained to die well (die with honor).
-Unlike many other sports of the Romans, Gladiator games were hosted infrequently, for they had to be privately funded (other sports were paid for by the treasury).
-Another major difference between Gladiator games and the many other sports is what they honor, while gladiator games are paying respect to someone whom recently passed away, common spectator sports were played to respect a god.
-Some of the common spectator sports included chariot racing, hunting, fishing, and sports played with a ball (this is taken from mosaics of Romans playing with a ball)

-Most of the games the Romans played were held in the Coliseum
Gladiator Game